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Trivia Game With 4 Pictures From Movie Scenes

1. "I was a Jeopardy contestant in 2004 toward the end of Ken Jennings' $2 million run. The day of my taping, there was a brief ceremony after the third game to officially award Ken a giant novelty check for his first million dollars. We broke for lunch, and Ken was ahead of me in line in the studio canteen. He was over the limit of his lunch voucher, so he put an item back. I blurted out, 'DUDE, you won a million dollars. Get the baked Lay's.' He didn't have any cash on him, so the cashier combined our two vouchers, and Ken Jennings owes me 10 cents to this day."

"He ran the board during our game. I managed to answer 13 questions, whiffed on a Daily Double, and came in second. I spent my $2,000 winnings at Ikea, furnishing my new apartment. Alex didn't mingle during tapings, but before each game, he posed with contestants at the podium for a photo. I still have mine, along with theJeopardy branded glass frame the show gave us."


4. "My brother entered my family in a Disney+ family-style trivia game show as a joke. Two Skype interviews later, the joke became very real, and we were flown out to California on essentially the eve of the pandemic (March 11, 2020). The entire production was a nightmare. The producers had no idea what they were doing, the games didn't really make any sense, and the questions were extremely hard. They made my family sound like pretentious, rich assholes, which couldn't be further from the truth. They made us each spend over $1,000 in 'outfit options' because we were told to provide our own clothes. I called one of the producers crying a week before we left because she told me to go shopping again, and as a broke college student, I genuinely couldn't afford it."

"The show was supposed to be a bracket style, and since we won the first episode, we were going to have to go back and keep winning in order to win the grand prize, which was three days at a Disney park. Because of the pandemic, they kept pushing it back, then canceled it this past May. I'm so happy it was canceled. I spent the last year dreading having to film on a set where I felt uncomfortable and the producers treated us horribly. The best thing to come out of the experience was meeting the family we competed against. Their adult kids are about the same age as my brother and me, and since filming the first episode, we've talked to them every single day."


9. "I was on Wheel of Fortune in 2015. For the audition, there were about 80 of us in a hotel convention room in downtown Brooklyn. We played a few rounds of the game, and the casting directors would tell us to project our voices and how to answer properly. Then, there was a written test with puzzles like you'd see in the bonus round. We took a quick break, and when we came back, they narrowed the group down to 18. About three weeks later, I got a letter in the mail saying I had been selected to be on the show! I flew out on a Thursday, taped Friday, and returned home Saturday. They tape 6 shows a day, 40 days a year. Vanna White was SO nice. She came out in her jogging pants and a T-shirt to say hello to everyone and reminded us to buy vowels."

"The day of taping, we were bussed from the hotel to Sony Pictures Studios at 6 a.m. There were 18 contestants plus two LA-based alternates in case anyone needed to drop out last minute. The entire morning was spent touring the studio, going over rules, practicing with the buzzer and the wheel, and going over our intros. EVERYTHING was explained — every category and every game show law. Then, they split us into groups of three, and we went to set to start taping. The lady I lost to was FREAKING AMAZING at the game. While playing, I won a trip to London and Paris, and spun a 'bankrupt,' so I experienced a full range of emotions from the wheel. They were super accommodating when it came to my trip and made sure I could work around my schedule to go. You do have to pay taxes on the prizes, so I refer to it as my '85%-off trip.' My then-boyfriend and I decided to add Ireland to our itinerary, and they even paid for our flights to London and home from Ireland, even though the trip I won was just to go to London and Paris. Overall, it was a really positive experience!"


Trivia Game With 4 Pictures From Movie Scenes
