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Aliens on the Moon the Truth Exposed 2014 Movie Art

Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed (TV Movie 2014) Poster

1 /10

Don't Waste Your Time

Another hoax "documentary" in a long list past fraudster Robert Kiviat. He brought us "Conflicting Dissection" in 1995, his initial hoax disguised as a documentary.

A long listing of shady paranormal "researchers" contributed to this schlock documentary: ghost hunters, Bigfoot trackers, UFO chasers, and MUFON, the biggest of the fraudsters.

By enlarging NASA photographs so that the pixels are gigantic, they imagine all sorts of structures on the moon, including a nuclear reactor, wagon wheels, a cannon 1 mile long, a mine, a prison, and fort. Blurry craters get mile-broad satellite dishes.

Thank goodness that guy with the crazy hair from Ancient Aliens wasn't featured. Although, he would not exist out of place in this prove.

Save your fourth dimension and skip the dreck. If I could have rated this a nix, I would. A "1" seems too high.

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Don Quixote: a tragedy and a comedy

So allow'southward not go also close-minded here and, for the sake of argument, assume the premise: that there are, or were, aliens at work on the moon, either on the near or far side or both. And not merely on the moon, but on mars and the sun and the world as this documentary has it.

And so how would you get near it to make people believe information technology?

Let'southward look at this very unclear old black and white picture of some office of the moon that shows what looks like an artificially created structure because it might resemble the tower of a nuclear plant and therefore it might be a nuclear plant that might exist used to make nuclear devices that could exist used for offensive or defensive means, hence we are under a threat, only like in the cold state of war! And we cannot do annihilation near it and that is why the regime doesn't tell the states and wants it to remain a secret! It would start a nation wide crunch and as a result the nation would plummet and be ship back to the stone age.


Why not build your own telescope then and cheque out the moon? I read y'all tin can now get telescopes to detect 1 km wide objects on the surface of the moon. So that should allow y'all to run across those 22 mile high and broad structures.

But nope. Instead y'all make a documentary with people with vague credentials (Researcher? What kind of title is that?) who use the word 'might' a lot and conjecture upward a whole race of human-similar aliens and bewail authorities led conspiracies, based on hearsay, flights of fantasies, bad pictures and estimator enhanced imagery. And even at some bespeak suggest space battles between aliens. Yep: star wars.

The documentary slowly progresses to its climax, afterward showing and telling the same thing over and once again and the climax is actually the low point, merely an important i equally the real truth gets exposed. Supposed pictures of a dead alien woman recovered past the otherwise unrecorded Apollo twenty mission are shown and then a 'researcher' tells the states that even if it is a fake it is a clear sign that there is an effort to misguide people, hence information technology is a sign of a cover up, hence information technology is a sign that something is in that location to be covered upwardly.

And there yous have it. The truth that gets exposed here is not that there are aliens on the moon or government conspiracies but the truth that facts exercise not affair: when facts stand in the way of truth then they get pushed bated, for it is the 'truth' that there are aliens busying themselves with humanity and information technology is the truth the government knows it and hides it.

Information technology is this documentary that is the conspiracy. And the conspirators run across themselves as heroes. Just these heroes are fighting windmills. Don Quixotes. In the wikipedia about Don Quixote 1 tin notice a very apt quote from Harold Blossom about it, []preferring the glory of fantasy over the real world which includes imminent death[]

And that is what this documentary is. A fantasy, a flying of imagination, the exposure of the silliness of humanity and the sadness one tin can experience when people, like some astronauts, delude themselves simply because they want to believe something. Information technology is a tragedy and a comedy. It is life.

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1 /10

Yes there are others out there - no this isn't proof

This is 1 hour and 20 minutes of blurred images, speculation, and "helpfully" coloured shadows. Interesting plenty the commentator at the beginning of the "documentary" uses the words "are?", "maybe", "could this" just at towards the ends of it skips all these pocket-sized highly significant words from the narrative. It follows the same format equally many other conspiracy "documentaries".

A/ Tin can it be Ten?

B/ Tin can information technology be Y?

C/ Can it be Z?

----------------- This proves that aliens built stuff on the moon/did something else unbelievable.

If you are into this kind of reasoning and conspiracy and so become ahead spotter this waste of time. Personally I'd extremely surprised if there are not others out at that place - and equally surprised if they were particularly interested in this backward backwater planets population.

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i /10

Pegged my bs-o-meter

I've seen a lot of garbage over the years, but this by far tops pretty much all the piles of caca on my listing. The bandage of characters reads similar the cast of a Ringling Brothers cleaning crew, the script appears to have been written by a drunk 12-yr- erstwhile, and the level of intelligence required to view this is but beneath that of a Walmart baby rattle. The horrid cast of so-called "experts" in this moving picture reads like the patient listing at Nurse Ratchett'south daily medication rounds. In 1 scene, they bring up an proficient on photography analysis that is billed as a... get this... paranormal good. Poor Roger Leopardi must have been broke, hungry and mode backside on his rent to concord to characterize this spectacularly prepubescent picture show. Don't waste material your time. Yous'll become more out of watching the grass grow.

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ane /10

Poppycock on wheels

Alert: Spoilers

Professional video documentary producers and directors DO Non mix real-life imagery with artwork and model shots, with intent to deceive the audience into believing that the existent-life imagery is more persuasive than it really is.

Robert Kiviat was guilty of this "video sin" over and over in this hilariously contrived piece of film-flam. The images purporting to show alien structures on the Moon are laughably unconvincing, then they had to be "additional."

Mike Bara, a laid-off CAD-CAM technician with no training in geology or image estimation (and, in fact, a well deserved reputation for botching Apollo Moon imagery) told us nigh a "giant paper-clip" and a "mile wide Ziggurat". These are only lies. The paper-prune is a curly fiber in an amateur scanner that wasn't kept clean. The Ziggurat is a spoof that Bara stumbled beyond on the "Call of Duty Zombies" web forum.

Lee Spiegel fell for another hoax, the "crashed spacecraft" on the Moon. Examination of the far better images from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter proves that this is only a dune feature, cratered exactly the same as its surroundings.


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1 /10

Hilariously Bad

This is possibly the 5th worst thing I've ever watched. Certainly the third worst thing I've always seen on Netflix (backside the atrocious "Haunting of Silvery Falls" and some other conflicting conspiracy flick I watched that was fifty-fifty worse).

The entirety of this movie consists of someone talking almost an object on the moon that is most certainly but a normal rock or crater, only has a shadow that makes it expect foreign. Then they color in the "shape" of the object they think is there, which gives - at to the lowest degree they think it gives - the advent that some kind of artifact has to be there. Then they discuss those shapes for a long time. That's really all at that place is to information technology.

Permit me signal out iii reasons why none of their claims brand any sense:

one) They claim that the aliens use plasma from stars like our sun to power all their stuff, yet they say that they created a nuclear ability plant on the moon. Why would they need it if they already had their energy source found out?

2) Our moon sucks. There's nothing on information technology.There are other moons in our solar system they could use as a base that have h2o on them - frozen seas and all - that could be much more than useful. And if they had faster than light travel to reach usa in the first place, and so information technology would be extremely easy to reach us from in that location, so it doesn't affair if they're on our moon or another moon further away. No alien race would desire to apply our moon every bit a base.

3) Better yet, if aliens came here why wouldn't they only use our world equally a base and only force united states of america to let them stay? Information technology's non similar nosotros could do anything about it if they're that advanced. You're saying that these creatures traveled many light years to attain us *merely* to create a nuclear ability institute on our moon and some satellite that looks down at us (yes, they said the aliens have a satellite dish on the moon. Not similar they'd have something a lot meliorate on their own ship). That seems like a gigantic waste product of fourth dimension for them.

To conclude, this documentary makes no sense, and is so bad it'southward kind of funny. It's ane of the worst things I've seen, but I'd still recommend information technology if yous want something to make fun of. For review purposes, 1/10. For pure entertainment purposes, 7/10.

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2 /10


Leftover 'experts' that didn't make the cut from paranormal caught on camera.

And then 1940 radar technology is used by Aliens located on the moon... Where do they notice these people??

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1 /10

Had more fun trimming my toe nails

I by and large don't lookout documentaries of this ilk because i observe the conclusions laughably weak and something an 11 year old would come up with. This line sums upwards everything thats incorrect with this:'we ask some of the brightest minds nosotros could discover to some up the bear witness and whilst they cant be sure of what information technology is, its very compelling'. So, you deceit work out whats happening in your fuzzy pictures. That must hateful Aliens accept travelled light years to build mines, nuclear reactors, chimneys and buildings on the moon. Nasa is aware of these spacecraft/buildings and airbrush them out of NASA pictures except the ones the show uses. I got at to the lowest degree half way the arguments were so encarmine ridiculous i was dumb founded and had to sentinel out of morbid curiosity. This must be a mockumentory. Nobody is this daft, surely? How Fizz Adlrin managed to proceed his cool during interview is the real conspiracy hither. Fairplay.

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1 /10

Was this meant to be a comedy or serious?

If you Google search whatsoever of these "facts", proper science articles will indeed come up upwards past bodily scientists to educate anyone that believes this stuff to be true. When people don't properly understand science like they believe they practise, this often happens. Fifty-fifty "professionals" often get science wrong.

Many quotes are taken out of context and simply desperately interpreted. I'thousand however wondering if this is really meant to be serious.

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ane /10

I'chiliad giggling as I type this

I'll exist honest. I used to be into all this kinda stuff. It was a guilty pleasance at the time. I didn't realise I could be feeling breasts and learning to cook extraordinary meals. You know, living life?

This wasn't very expert. I had to check my spectacles withal worked, cos I rarely saw in the bad photos, what I was existence told it was. Either my optics don't piece of work, or the people in this shambolic show, are in need of an middle test and psychological evaluation. Peradventure both.

Furthermore, then what eh? Who cares? Are they, or aren't they? Who cares? Does it help? Does it encourage free idea? Do we develop as a civilisation? Who cares? Why speculate on what's not real and ignore issues that are?

Who cares?

If there are aliens, maybe they should just ship a text? What? They take mile wide cannons, but no mobile phones? Sound like a bunch of cretins to me who are millions of yrs in advance, but still need satellite dishes so they can get Sky Idiot box.

Just requite over.

People should not be allowed to waste picture like this.

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1 /10

Fun to laugh at and approximate from the condolement of your burrow.

Alarm: Spoilers

This "documentary" (to use the term VERY loosely) makes the confront on Mars look like a existent hard slice of Martian evidence. When they're not busy showcasing the ridiculously fuzzy and obscure images of rubble piles, shadows, natural formations, and craters, they're ranting about wild speculations every bit to what these "structures" could be. Between mining operations, giant domes, beacons, cities, and canons, all of the fuzzy random shapes seem to take very obvious uses. At the very to the lowest degree, I can adore the imagination of these people because it takes a whole lot of information technology to see what they're seeing. Literally. To help the ever so sorry (or amused) viewer, they've highlighted the pictures with random colored shapes to "heighten" whatsoever it is they see. However, when they remove the added colors from the picture, it's about impossible to run across what they're talking about. Actually, it'southward nigh as incommunicable even when they go out the colored shapes in! Likewise, I'yard left scratching my head as to how they got actual astronauts to appear in this. I can simply assume they were lied to or lured in with processed.

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i /10

Utter Drivell

Warning: Spoilers

In that location really is cipher complementary to say nearly this steaming pile of conspiracy theory hyperbole.

Information technology is filled from kickoff to finish with the very worst drove of beatnik claims, laid along as facts. If within the showtime two minutes of watching (maximum) y'all don't say to yourself... "Oh I come across where this is going... pass the tin foil hats!!" I would be VERY surprised indeed. Information technology has NO redeeming features what so ever, and no rational thinking individual has any demand to even recollect about the merest possibility of contemplating the very idea of watching it.. The "scientific discipline" is flawed, the assertions are just lunatic fringe ideas that you can find on many a crazy persons you-tube channel. Who ever funded this must be as mad as a hatter to believe in it, and to throw away their money. Utter UTTER Drivel....

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2 /x

I know people are gullible just surely no one actually believes this

I am an open minded sort of bloke and I practice firmly believe that with the vastness of space it is incredibly arrogant of us to think we are the only life in the universe simply this pile of nonsense is beyond the pale. Perfectly natural structures highlighted in colours to force y'all to encounter buildings...... Really ! It is agreeable to spotter just nothing more than it even includes still another alien on a slab ( a very waxy looking effigy , almost every bit if it had been man made ) on the alleged Apollo xx ‽ with merged flags and dodgy footage...... Now I am happy to be proved incorrect and as I said I would be amazed if we were lone in the entire universe only this "documentary " really is a crock.

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4 /10

Inexplicable doku, uhm, mockumentary..? Inexplicable, who put it at that place!? Conspicuously artificial.

Be prepared for a lot of this: We are presented with a huge photograph of the moon, while zooming in the narrator says: "look at this inexplicable photo". So far, you lot have no clue what you're supposed to exist seeing. Then they highlight something, or band around something that might, just miiiight wait like some sort of structure. So an "expert" says: this is clearly not natural, only WHO put information technology there?! And you lot're left thinking, uhm, couldn't it just have been a mountain or crater or a rock or something..? I mean, there are thousands of moon photos, it's all rock and sand and stuff, of form a bunch of 'em will look like stuff.

One fourth dimension in item, they showed the same photograph several times in a row, and before the colored highlight came on, I couldn't for the life of me see where the alleged structure was supposed to exist. Haha.

Anyway! I'll say though, some of it is kind of interesting. But keep in mind that it might very well exist a mockumentary. Information technology'southward fun to hear the interviews with former employees at NASA etc. but whether they are who they say they are, or whether they are telling the truth or but wants their 15 minutes, is not proficient to know.

One lady gives a rational explanations for one of the photos, and the narrator speedily brushes it off every bit a poor endeavour at explaining this inexplicable photograph. That'south merely light-headed.

Had they merely presented all the material, all the pictures and interviews at one time, in stead of showing the same film most 300 billions times, the whole affair could take been 20 minutes. Tops!

but yeah, to sum up, I found it entertaining for the most function, but too really low brow, and quite stupid. Take it for what it is, light conspiracy-ish entertainment, and yous'll, well, you could do worse.

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ane /ten

Terrible.. Plain disbelieves and utter bull-sh*t

Alarm: Spoilers

Actually pathetic and truly a disgrace to mankind...

The whole documentary they are just zooming in on NASA pictures, claiming to run across some alien structure, wheels, hidden UFO's, etc., while these are only embossed crates of the moon. Actually I hated myself for even having watched this (partially)!! What kind of idiot makes this up and possibly photograph shops some NASA images and actually believes it? Wow, how depression can someone actually become by making a story of it and challenge this to be truthful.

I wanted to poke out my eyes with a needle for seeing this, worst is that I know some people might fifty-fifty get persuaded by this load of sh*t...

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ane /x

Proficient for a laugh

Warning: Spoilers

So much fake, and then ridiculous. Putting one of the "experts" in front end of a few (simulated?) Nasa suits does non increase her credibility. I had to switch it off when they showed supposedly real footage of some vehicle or existence siphoning "plasma from the sunday". Based on how big the sun is, that...thing..., based on the picture we see, would accept to be several hundred or g kilometers big. This is like the wet dream of some conspiracy theory bloggers. It might be fun if you practice some drinking games, based on the usual terms they employ, the "experts" ("paranormal investigator"), all the cliche "secrets" mentioned. Terrible, and I wonder why information technology's even on Netflix, information technology's something you commonly only find on Youtube

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6 /10

The NASA Air-Brush, Buzz Aldren's Hubris, & "The Brookings Written report"

Not Ane Reviewer, equally of this Date, Posted a Remark about...

(1) The NASA "Air-Brush" Brigade. This Assault on the Truth has been Reported by NASA Employees for Decades who have either Taken Part in the "Camouflage" or have Witnessed the Before and Subsequently Photographs First Hand. Why would NASA do this? Simply for Fun?

(2) Buzz Aldrin REFUSING to even Wait at a Photograph. This Reminds of the Catholic Church REFUSING to LOOK through Galileo'due south Telescope.

(3) The Famous "Brooking'south Report" Think Tank Warns...(paraphrasing)"If Proof of Extraterrestrial Existence is Discovered, Continue it from the Public".

If Naught Else, this Far from Smoking Gun Proof Documentary, Exposes those $.25 of FACT well-nigh what goes on in the UFO Inquiry Community and Why it is Difficult at All-time and Impossible at Worst to Arroyo the Subject field with a Clear Head.

There is so much Resistance, Cover-Ups, Misdirection, Misinformation, Disinformation, and Ballyhoo that has to make i Wonder just what is the Agenda Motivating all of the Smokescreens.

Skeptics and Trolls are Quick to Ridicule and Poke Fun at the Researchers but requite the "Authorities" a Pass at any and all Chicanery. NASA, for case and the "Regime" are Taxpayer Funded and Answerable to the Citizens and Their Duty is to the Public.

Maybe the Infamous "Brookings Report" (sighted, by the way, in this motion picture) was Right, or at Least those in Charge to this Day Believe it to be Correct and Nosotros are all being Pampered and Corralled into the "Party Line". Motion On Sheeple, Nada to See Here, Nosotros take this Under Control for Your Ain Skillful. We are "Definitely Looking Out for You lot."

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i /x

Not a documentary

Warning: Spoilers

Non sure how this film got listed as a documentary, every bit I am certain that it is non.

The manager, Robert Kiviat, has directed or produced a number of similar stories, all discounted by NASA and other experts. In my opinion, none of the bear witness presented here stands upward but information technology is piece of cake to misread grainy old photographs and poor quality film - and also very easy to fake photographs if required.

Stories like this appeal to a lot of people, so many of united states want them to be true, but dubious quality picture or picture tin be interpreted in unlike means and the title of this film gives just 1 view.

A compassion, equally I would love a real alien story.

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one /10

What a load of crap!!!

I mean actually. How could they dare to interfere Buzz Aldrin with this document. Yes, he did run across an UFO, it doesn't mean aliens! Everything he says in this interview goes against the conspiracy. But And it'south a funny thing how the narrator continually mentions "the smartest people on world" "leading astronomers" and "experts" and still I run into none of them in the moving-picture show.

Whole picture is simply about a blurry image, which someone has colored capricious. And even after that, I didn't run across nothing weird in it. Information technology's like seeing Jesus in your french toast. You run across what you wanna see.

This wasn't even funny like "Ancient Aliens". Don't bother.

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4 /10


Warning: Spoilers

I was listening Declension to Coast evidence few nights before this documentary and i was all hyped to hear something new or revolutionary. Sadly this documentary is complete 2 hour waste of time. Its watchable for lets say first one-half than it become ludicrous. Documentary degenerated into a redundancy of the same photos and commentary for most of the second hour. People who are related to ufology are probably familiar with all photos shown forth with about of the give-and-take. Than at the end, alleged Apollo 18,19 and 20 unproven missions, along with the retrieved, female ET trunk came. At that point its brownie concluded and it was clear this really is mockumentary.

Equally i said in championship this is more or less television show in which fictional events are presented in documentary style to create a parody. This evidence analyze or comment on electric current events and bug by using a fictional setting.

Please futurity writers and directors don't brand another documentary on the same subject until we get some new ultra high definition pictures from orbit.

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vii /10

Not bad

Warning: Spoilers

Makes some very interesting viewing. This motion-picture show seems to actually prove that non just exercise aliens exist but are however at that place. In that location may even be more than ane fix of aliens that are actually fighting each other. Now if they are why is the globe being left alone? Too primitive mayhap?? The newly released unretouched photos when compared to the retouched ones does seem to evidence structures and possible space craft that are non human being fabricated. Why haven't the astronauts said anything? Buzz Aldrin is one however alive but he merely says he doesn't desire to get involved in the discussion. Does he know too much and is he terrified of aliens? Who knows??

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iii /10

I do not know if what is being discussed is real or imaginary.

Warning: Spoilers

Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed is an interesting movie. I do not know if what is being discussed is existent or imaginary. This motion-picture show was shown on the SciFi channel and not the history or any of the scientific discipline channels. I do non know if it is some other "State of war of the Worlds" films whereby they brand the imaginary seem real. I do not know if the documentary style of the film is nonfiction. The picture show is geared to those who want to believe that nosotros are non lonely in the universe and that aliens could have visited the moon and peradventure the earth. I watched and listened to the discussions of all the alien artifacts seen on the moon and effectually mars. Everything seems besides incredible to exist true. Nonetheless, I practice non remember information technology would make any deviation if aliens do/did be. I discover it scarier that nosotros are solitary in the universe instead of nosotros are non alone. This is a serious thought provoking issue. Either way, we cannot do annihilation about information technology. Fiction or nonfiction, that is the question. I don't know. As well much Hollywood about aliens.

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seven /10

Informative and Believable

Unlike other documentaries which uses lot of computer generated imagery, this films shows you the facts through real evidences and photographs. Also the interviews complement to the fact that the unknown has been tried to open up up before the world.

Its your decision whether you believe information technology or not. I came to the decision with support of my common sense.

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10 /10


Alert: Spoilers

"Understanding different civilizational standards of our undertaking a dedicated and breakneck search, where science in its full design is frequently preceded past logical deduction, the capacity for assay and interpretation of data, the identification of patterns, known or unknown, and later by philosophical study, anthropological and sociological of the findings.

Peradventure the complication tin can be fifty-fifty greater, perhaps involving areas of knowledge focused on the language organization, if whatever, etc. " estivemos-sozinhos-neste-planeta_24.html

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10 /10

Wow! Cheers all so much.

To all the people that wrote negative and obvious killjoy reviews:

Thanks all and so much for putting a damper on "pure amusement". I estimate anyone who wants to entertain any type of public should go to these people beginning and ask them for permission to practise so.

If y'all dearest to be entertained and do non have things likewise seriously and so this evidence is very much worth watching. Please ignore all these people who beloved to spout off and throw "credentials" at y'all.

Give information technology a rest! Let people be entertained and have a adept time.

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